Our Work

Territorial and environmental monitoring for the Greater Tumucumaque-Wayamu Program in Northern Brazil

Instituto Iepé, APITIKATXI, APIWA, Awana Digital, Terras App Solutions, Nia Tero

Greater Tumucumaque-Wayamu, Brazil

Tumucumaque Indigenous Park, Brazil

The Greater Tumucumaque-Wayamu region comprises five Indigenous territories home to 64 unique communities, and together with buffer areas consisting of over 10 million hectares of largely pristine rainforest and savannah ecosystems. It is one of the most important intact forest landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon. The region’s Indigenous communities are organized by traditional leadership (caciques) and Indigenous organizations such as Association of Tiriyó, Katxuyana and Txikiyana Indigenous Peoples (APITIKATXI) and the Association of Waiana and Apalai Indigenous Peoples (APIWA). Together with their trusted partner organization Instituto Iepé, the organizations implement a long-term territorial protection program for the region which includes the regular use of forest mapping and monitoring tools and methodologies.

Project Goal
Instituto Iepé, APITIKATXI, and APIWA to protect the Greater Tumucumaque-Wayamu region through the continuous monitoring of threats and incursions, building the skills of the youth in the communities, and ongoing tracking of territorial and cultural indicators as part of the Indigenous territories’ Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTA).

Conservation Metrics
Conservation Metrics is working closely with the partners to co-create a digital platform called GuardianConnector, a free and open-source data sovereignty platform for communities to securely access, explore, and derive insights from their data, which will be stored on premises they fully own. Conservation Metrics is also providing support with survey design, capacity building in mapping and monitoring methodologies and usage of tools, generation of near-real time change detection alerts, and data visualization on GuardianConnector.

Project Stats

1 Countries

6 Partners

9 Ethnicities

11,473,262 Hectares monitored